quarta-feira, fevereiro 04, 2009

a culpa é dos americanos...

sempre que o tempo faz partidas, sempre que alguma chuva me estraga um fim de semana, ou o vento, ou o granizo ou a trovoadas fora da altura me acorda de madruga, na realidade sempre que o tempo me troca as voltas culpo os americanos...

The US Contribution in Figures

* The United States constitutes 4 per cent of the world population

* It is responsible for a quarter of all carbon dioxide emissions - an average of 40,000 pounds of carbon dioxide is released by each US citizen every year - the highest of any country in the world, and more than China, India and Japan combined

* Americans use 50 million tons of paper annually - consuming more than 850 million trees

* There are more than 200 million cars and light trucks on american roads

* According to the Federal Department of Transportation, they use over 200 million gallons of petrol a day

* Motor vehicles account for 56 per cent of all air pollution in The United States

* A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2002 concluded that people living in the most heavily polluted metropolitan areas have a 12 per cent increased risk of dying of lung cancer than people in the least polluted areas

* 32 of the 50 busiest US airports currently have plans to expand operations

* Every year US industries release at least 2.4 billion pounds of chemicals into the atmosphere

* Despite having just 2 per cent of known oil reserves, the US consumes 25 per cent of the world's oil production

* 16 per cent of world oil production goes into american cars alone.

* Approximately 160 million people living in 32 US states live in regions with smog and soot levels considered dangerous to health

* The new clear air interstate rule aims to cut sulphur dioxide by 73 per cent and nitrogen oxide by 61 per cent in the next 10 years

* Around 50 million new cars roll off US assembly lines each year

* There are already more than 20 million four-wheel-drive vehicles on US roads

* More than 1.5 million gallons of oil were spilled into US waters in 2000 alone

* Only 1 per cent of american travel is on public transport, an eighth of that in the UK and an eighteenth of that in Japan

* As much as 5.99 tons of carbon dioxide is emitted per American per year, compared with 0.31 tons per Indian or 0.05 tons per Bangladeshi.

* The US had 16 major oil spills between 1976 and 1989, whereas France suffered six and the UK five

* The average american produces 864kg of municipal waste per year, almost three times the quantity of rubbish produced annually by an Italian

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